Design Service

Often times we focus on creating digital channels (websites, social media, applications) but forget about the main factors that generate revenue, which is traffic or visitors. Badr Interactive is ready to assist you in developing the right strategy to strengthen your branding and increase sales of your business.


What we offer

Business Starting Kit

Logo & collateral design, photo/video product, scriptwriting, and packaging design.

Go Digital Package

Web profile, one landing/sales page, and mobile app essential.

Go to Market Package

Video company profile, ebook company profile, one landing/sales page, social media optimization, product launch, and activation campaign.

Smart Government Package

Social media promotion, activation campaign, mobile & web apps UI/UX design, user research, video profile, and motion graphic.

Startup Consultation

Customer validation, usability testing, funnel analytic, product & value creation, financial planning, and marketing optimization.

Mobile Application & Website UI/UX
Mobile App

Mobile app lite, mobile app essential, and mobile app advance.


One sales page, web profile, and web app.

Social Media Management

3 months package, influencer management package, and 1 month package.

Content Production

Copywriting, photo/video product, video & animasi, and character & illustration.

Merchandise Design

Stationery design, flyer/brochure, company profile, packaging, and murals.

Interactive Media

Mobile Game and VR/WR App.


Client's portfolio